Tiffany Melens
FEAP 1a.
Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor;
Evidence: Lesson plan for read aloud (Kingdom Keepers) from my level one internship.
Specific Example: When I completed the read aloud lesson, my objective was based on the standard for fourth grade. (LAFS.4.RL.1.1)
Justification: My example connects to my evidence because I used my lesson plan to teach this lesson and help the students achieve the objective associated with the standard.
Further Evidence: My lesson plan and reflection for my first CT and supervisor observation from final internship.
Specific example: In both lessons, I referred to the star chart for my objective which aligned with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor for my students.
Justification: Both my evidence and my examples align with this FEAP because I aligned my instruction with state-adopted standards.
FEAP 1b.
Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge;
Evidence: Second supervisor observation lesson plan in level three internship.
Specific Example: In my lesson plan, it was sequenced among a span of three days to ensure coherence.
Justification: My example and evidence connects to this FEAP because my lesson was planned to sequence lessons and ensure coherence.
Further Evidence: A week's worth of math lessons I planned for my final internship.
Specific example: In my lesson plans for this past week, students were finishing up learning numbers 6-10. My students were continuing on with subtilizing and then moved into ordering numbers. The setup from my lesson ensured coherence and required their prior knowledge to meet the learning objectives. My students also did really well on their summative test for this week. 17 out of 20 students passed their summative exam based on my data.
Justification: My evidence and example connects to the FEAP because I sequenced all my math lessons to ensure coherence for all my learners.
FEAP 1c.
Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery;
Evidence: First CT and supervisor lesson plans and reflections in final internship.
Specific Example: In my CT reflection, I talked about how I designed my instruction based on the data I had from my students to set them up for mastery. In my supervisor reflection, I talked about how I provided multiple opportunities for students to practice and achieve the objective.
Justification: Both my evidence and example meet the FEAP because I designed my instruction with my students in mind in order for them to achieve mastery.
FEAP 1d.
Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning;
Evidence: My first observation with supervisor during level two internship.
Specific Example: In my small group lesson, I selected appropriate formative assessments that fits the needs of that group of students to monitor their learning.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to the FEAP because with my formative assessment, I was able to monitor the learning of those students and see what they needed most help with.
Further Evidence: My first supervisor observation during my final internship.
Specific Example: I created different assessment cards that I used varying on students needs to assess their number fluency.
Justification: My evidence and example connect with the FEAP because with my differentiated formative assessment, student learning was monitored accurately.
FEAP 1e.
Uses diagnostic student data to plan lessons;
Evidence: Picture of running record I used to analyze and plan lessons.
Specific Example: The diagnostic student data I collected from running records helped me see where my students are at in their learning, and it helped me plan for an upcoming lesson.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because throughout my level three internship, my CT was able to help me look at diagnostic student data (like running records) to prepare to for upcoming lessons.
Evidence: My first supervisor observation in my final internship.
Specific Example: In preparation for planning my lesson for my supervisor observation, I did a pre-test with my students and looked at other diagnostic data to see where my learners were. After reviewing the data, I could see my students were ready to move onto to more challenging concepts.
Justification: My evidence and example connect with this FEAP because I was able to review diagnostic student data to plan my lesson accordingly.
FEAP 1f.
Develops learning experiences that require students to demonstrate a variety of applicable skills and competencies.
Example: My first supervisor observation in my final internship.
Specific Evidence: In my observation, students were required to demonstrate a variety of applicable skills in order to meet the learning objective in whole group instruction, and in their math centers. For example, in one center, students had to roll a dice, subitize the number that represents the group of circles, quickly say aloud the number, then write the number on their paper. These are all different skills my learners had to practice.
Justification: My example and evidence meet the FEAP because students were required to demonstrate a variety of applicable skills and competencies to meet my objective for the lesson.
FEAP 2a.
Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention;
Evidence: The video of my first observation with my supervisor from my level one internship and reflection.
Specific Example: I allocated and managed my time when I lined up the students in my first observation because I made sure to give students the right amount of time to stop what they were doing and join the line.
Justification: The example and evidence are connected because the example can be found in my first observation video where I showed a mastery of FEAP 2a.
Further Evidence: During my final internship, I attended pre-planning and helped my CT move desks and furniture around to best make use of the space we have.
Specific Example: I helped organized the furniture and desks to make the best use of our space for our students to meet their needs.
Justification: My evidence connects with example because I had to think about how I would organize the space with our students in mind.
FEAP 2b.
Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system;
Evidence: Level three CT observation #2 reflection
Specific Example: In my reflection, I discussed how I was able to manage an individual behavior through the behavior clip-chart system that is already setup in my classroom.
Justification: The evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I had to managed a specific behavior during that lesson, and with my reflection, I was able to reflect and how I managed the behavior.
Further Evidence: Going into my final internship, I continue to implement the use of the clip-chart behavior management system. This helps promote good behaviors, as well as give a visual for students who need one.
Specific Example: I referred to this clip-chart just the other day to help manage behaviors and students were able to use the visual as a way of promoting better behavior.
Justification: My example matches my evidence because it explains how I have met FEAP 2b.
FEAP 2c.
Conveys high expectations to all students;
Evidence: The rubric my CT and I refer to in my final internship classroom.
Specific example: When we are in writing, we refer to the rubric so students understand what is expected of them.
Justification: My evidence connects with my example because the students are all held to high expectations in their work and that is communicated to them through me and my CT.
FEAP 2d.
Respects students' cultural and family background
Evidence: Newsletter I sent home to all my students in level one and level two.
Specific Example: In both newsletters, I made a Spanish edition.
Justification: My evidence connects to my FEAP because I made the newsletter in another edition to respect students' cultural and family background.
FEAP 2e.
Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;
Evidence: The video of my first observation with my CT from my level one internship and reflection.
Specific Example: I gave clear oral and written directions to the students during the dismissal routine.
Justification: The example and evidence are connected because the example can be found in my observation video with my CT where I showed a mastery of FEAP 2e.
FEAP 2f.
Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness, and support;
Evidence: Morning meeting songs in my final internship classroom.
Specific Example: During the morning, my CT and I have a mini morning meeting that gets the students up and moving, and supports their learning. We start off with a greeting, and have all the students greet each other. Then, we move into calendar and math songs that get the students moving and ready for the day.
Justification: My specific example and evidence connects with FEAP 2f because we maintain a climate of openness and support with these daily mini morning meetings.
FEAP 2g.
Integrates current information and communication technologies;
Evidence: My supervisor observation two in my level two internship.
Specific Example: The lesson was technology integrated with current information.
Justification: My students in my second supervisor observation went through a PowerPoint, video, a Kahoot game with current information that used the technology to deepen students' understanding of the content.
Further Evidence: In my final internship, my CT and I use a lot of powerpoint games as formative data to see students' understanding.
Specific example: This past week, we have been using a superbee powerpoint game as formative data to see how much students understand the content in mathematics.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to FEAP 2g because I am integrating current information technologies into the classroom to gauge students' understanding.
FEAP 2h.
Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students;
Evidence: My second observation with my CT in my level two internship.
Specific Example: I had to adapt the learning environment for one of my students because he required a chart to use during the lesson when he needed to communicate.
Justification: The evidence and example connect to the FEAP because I had to adapt the learning environment in that observation.
FEAP 2i.
Utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in high-quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals.
Evidence: In my level 2 and 3 classroom, my CT and I had flexible seating in the classroom.
Specific Example: Some of the flexible seating options in my classroom were bean bag chairs, pillows, stools, and other cushions.
Justification: My evidence and my example connect to this FEAP because I was able to utilize current assistive technologies like multiple flexible seating options to help enable students to achieve their educational goals while participating in high-quality communication.
FEAP 3a.
Deliver engaging and challenging lessons;
Evidence: My first CT observation video from level two internship.
Specific Example: In my science lesson, I created an engaging lesson that challenged students to work collaboratively and learn about sink vs. float.
Justification: My evidence is connected to my example because my first observation was recorded and my CT gave me feedback afterwards.
Further Evidence: My first supervisor observation from my final internship.
Specific Example: In my lesson, I chose a challenging objective (subtilizing numbers 0-10), but tried to keep it engaging with technology.
Justification: My evidence and example connects to this FEAP because I used technology to keep all my students engaged.
FEAP 3b.
Deepen and enrich students' understanding through content area literacy strategies, verbalization of thought, and application of the subject matter;
Evidence: Supervisor lesson plan #2 from my level three internship.
Specific Example: During that lesson, I was able to use verbalization of thought, and application of the subject matter to deepen students' understandings of the content area literacy.
Justification: My example and evidence connect to this FEAP because in my lesson I helped students verbalize how to infer from a text and this deepened their understanding of the content area literacy.
FEAP 3c.
Identify gaps in students’ subject matter knowledge.
Evidence: Lesson plan for my first CT observation in my level three internship.
Specific Example: I helped students by identifying their gaps in subject matter and planning ahead of time to help further their learning and understanding.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because in this lesson I had a small group of students who had a gap in their knowledge and I was able to work with them to try and further their understanding.
Further Evidence: In my final internship, my CT provides me with a lot of resources to see common misconceptions in learning.
Specific Example: I use these resources to learn misconceptions, and for my first supervisor observation, I gave my students all a pre-test for the unit to identify gaps in students' subject matter knowledge in order to best plan my instruction.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I was able to use resources to identify misconceptions, and use a pre-test to fully identify gaps in students' subject matter knowledge.
FEAP 3d.
Modify instruction to respond to preconceptions or misconceptions;
Evidence: In my first CT observation for my final internship, I modified instruction in order to respond to misconceptions my students might have.
Specific Example: One of the misconceptions students had was miscounting, or saying the wrong number after counting a set of objects. I modified instruction by pulling a small group of students to receive extra instruction to help address these misconceptions to set up students for success.
Justification: My evidence and example meet this FEAP because I modified instruction to respond to preconceptions or misconceptions in mathematics.
FEAP 3e.
Relate and integrate the subject matter with other disciplines and life experiences;
Evidence: My first observation with my CT in my level three internship.
Specific Example: My lesson plan for that observation.
Justification: The example and evidence connect with FEAP 3e because I integrated the subject of math in another content area (ELA).
Further Evidence: In my final internship, I planned a week's worth of lessons integrated into other subject matters.
Specific example: In one of the lessons, I had students using their five senses to do a taste test with apples. Afterwards, they wrote down different describing words that described the taste of the apple. This met the students science and ELA objective.
Justification: My evidence and example connect with the FEAP because I related the two content areas and integrated both subject matters together in a lesson.
FEAP 3f.
Employs higher-order thinking questioning techniques
Evidence: My lesson plan from my first supervisor observation in my level three internship.
Specific Example: In the lesson, I was able to ask my students higher-order thinking questions because I planned for that ahead of time in my lesson plan.
Justification: The evidence and example connect because I had to plan beforehand to be prepared to ask my students higher-order thinking questions and apply those techniques.
FEAP 3g.
Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to teach for student understanding.
Evidence: Supervisor observation 2 in my level two internship.
Specific Example: In this lesson, I applied the use of different instructional strategies that included the use of technology throughout the entire lesson such as a video, PowerPoint, and Kahoot game.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to the FEAP because I applied the use of varied strategies and technology to teach for student understanding in that content area. ​
Further Evidence: First supervisor observation from my final internship.
Specific Example: In this observation from my final internship, I used varied resources including technology to teach for student understanding. Some of the resources and technology I used was a math song, interactive powerpoint, etc.
Justification: My evidence and example connects with this FEAP because I applied varied instructional strategies and resources including technology to teach for my students' understanding in mathematics.
FEAP 3h.
Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students;
Evidence: My lesson plan for my first supervisor observation in my level two internship.
Specific Example: I differentiated my instruction to fit the needs of my students who were struggling in math in involve more manipulatives and smaller numbers.
Justification: My evidence aligns with my example because I used my lesson plan to guide my differentiated instruction with my small group.
Further Evidence: My reflection for my first CT observation in my final internship.
Specific Example: In my lesson, I had my students working in centers, and then I took this as an opportunity to have a small group who needed more number sense help. These students worked with my CT to help build more of their knowledge.
Justification: My evidence and example connect with this FEAP because I recognized the differences in my students, and I differentiated my instruction based on my students' learning needs.
FEAP 3i.
To support, encourage, and provide immediate specific feedback to students to promote student achievement.
Evidence: My lesson plan from my first supervisor observation in my level three internship.
Specific Example: I was able to recognize their lack of understanding and support their learning by addressing the misconception. I provided immediate specific feedback to those students to support their student learning and achievement.
Justification: My example and evidence connect to this FEAP because in the lesson plan, I prepared myself for what misconceptions my students might have.
Further Evidence: My reflection from my first CT observation in my final internship.
Specific Example: During my lesson, students were answering different answers. I took this as an opportunity for learning and give specific feedback. I encouraged all students to answer, and then we discussed why one answer was right over the other one. This depended all students understanding.
Justification: My example and evidence connect to this FEAP because in my reflection, I discussed how I approached that situation and helped to encourage my students and provide immediate feedback to promote their achievement.
FEAP 3j.
Utilize student feedback to monitor instructional needs and to adjust instruction.
Evidence: My lesson plan for my first CT observation in my level three internship.
Specific Example: In my lesson plan, I used student feedback from the previous day to monitor instructional needs and adjust instruction. Those who felt like their were struggling were then pulled to receive extra individualized assistance.
Justification: My evidence and example connect because I had to plan my lesson according to what my students answered in their previous self-assessment.
Further Evidence: In my final internship, my inquiry is related to using self-assessments to inform student learning in mathematics.
Specific Example: I have my students self-assess in mathematics and keep track in a checklist to take in students' feedback and see what instructional strategies and formative assessments were beneficial to my students.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I use the self-assessments to gather student feedback and monitor instructional needs and adjust instruction.
FEAP 4a.
Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students' learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process;
Evidence: In my final internship, I keep a data collection chart where I record all my data across multiple assessments.
Specific Example: Everyday in math, I record students' results from formative assessments in my chart that way I can analyze it across the different days and apply that information to drive my next instruction.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I analyze and apply my data in math to diagnose students' learning needs and drive my instruction.
FEAP 4b.
Designs and aligns formative and summative assessments that match learning objectives and lead to mastery.
Evidence: My supervisor observation #2 from my level three internship.
Specific Example: In that lesson, I designed and aligned my formative writing assessment that matched the learning objectives for that specific lesson. This led to student mastery because if they met the objective, they were able to complete their writing.
Justification: Both of these connect with this FEAP because it gave me practice designing and aligning a formative assessment.
Further Evidence: In my final internship, I designed summative assessments that match learning objectives with my CT.
Specific Example: For my sorting unit in math, we designed a performance task as their summative assessment where students had to sort by attributes and identify the corresponding attributes. 18 out of 20 students met the learning objective for that assessment.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I designed a summative assessment that matched the learning objective and lead to mastery.
FEAP 4c.
Uses variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement and learning gains;
Evidence: In my final internship, I use a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress in ELA.
Specific Example: Some of these assessments include sight word assessments, uppercase/lowercase ID assessments, writing assessments, and iReady diagnostic results.
Justification: My evidence and example connect with this FEAP because I combine all this data to monitor student progress in ELA and see my students achievements and learning gains.
FEAP 4d.
Modifies assessments and testing conditions to accommodate learning styles and varying levels of knowledge;
Evidence: I accommodate students who need more time during tests or need me to repeat back questions to them.
Specific Example: During my comparing unit in math, I accommodated a student who needed me to repeat questions back to her to better her understanding. I have pictures of her previous two test grades without any accommodations, and then her most recent test grade after I made accommodations for her.
Justification: My evidence and example meet this FEAP because I accommodated testing conditions for a specific student to help set her up for success.
FEAP 4e.
Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and the student's parent/caregiver(s);
Evidence: Sat in multiple parent/teacher conferences to share the importance and outcomes of student assessment data. Pictures of conference forms with everything discussed and my signature on them have been provided below.
Specific Example: In all of the parent/teacher conferences I was in, I communicated to the parent/caregiver the outcomes of student assessment and the importance of these assessments. If students were also present, I communicated the importance of their assessment data to them as well.
Justification: My evidence and specific example meet this FEAP because during the conferences, I stressed the importance of assessment data and shared results with both students and their parents/caregivers.
FEAP 4f.
Applies technology to organize and integrate assessment information.
Evidence: Picture of assessment data collected in Kahoot during my level 3 internship.
Specific Example: I used Kahoot for different math and science assessments and applied the use of technology to organize assessment information.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I was able to apply technology to organize my student assessment data/information.
Further Evidence: I furthered my knowledge of technology related assessment tools in my final internship. One of my new favorite tools to use is plickers. Plickers is a website where teachers can create assessments, and students used cards to answer the problems. Teachers then use tablet/phone app to quickly scan the room and collect the data. All student data is collected and organized in the app.
Specific Example: I used plickers for my most recent science lesson with my students.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I applied technology to organize my assessment information.
Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students' needs;
Evidence: My mid-term evaluation from my final internship.
Specific Example: In my mid-term evaluation from my final internship, I designed purposeful professional goals with my CT to strengthen the effectiveness of my instruction based on the needs of my students.
Justification: My evidence and example connect with this FEAP because I designed purposeful professional goals.
FEAP 5b.
Examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student achievement;
Evidence: Reflect & Connect 2 from level three internship.
Specific Example: My reflect and connect 2 was where I used data-informed research to improve my instruction, my inquiry, and student achievement.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I was able to use data-informed research to improve my instruction based on the information I gathered from my reflect and connect 2.
Further Evidence: My literature review from my final internship that I wrote with another colleague.
Specific example: In my literature review, I collaborated with a colleague and used data-informed research to improve our inquiry, instruction, and student achievement in mathematics.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I was able to review research and apply my new acquired knowledge to improve my instruction.
FEAP 5c.
Uses a variety of data, independently, and in collaboration with colleagues, to evaluate learning outcomes, and adjust planning and continuously improve the effectiveness of the lessons;
Evidence: Picture of student scores that I looked over with CT from level 3.
Specific Example: Evaluated different data independently to gather information for my inquiry, and evaluated variety of data in collaboration with my CT to adjust planning to improve effectiveness of lessons.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because my evidence is one piece of the student data we evaluated together to see learning outcomes and adjust our planning based on that. I was able to collaborate with my CT to use a variety of data to evaluate my students' learning and adjust our lesson plans based on that.
Further Evidence: Picture of my data collection from my final internship.
Specific Example: In my final internship, I collaborated with my CT and used a variety of data (Exit tickets, unit tests, self-assessments, plicker results, etc.) to evaluate student learning, and continuously use this data to drive my instruction in mathematics. I created my own data collection chart to keep track of all student learning.
Justification: My evidence and example connect with this FEAP because I used a variety of data in mathematics in collaboration with my CT to adjust our planning and continuously improve the effectiveness of my lessons.
FEAP 5d.
Collaborates with the home, school and larger communities to foster communication and to support student learning and continuous improvement;
Evidence: A picture of a flyer from spirit night, and a picture of a gift that I gave my students at open house.
Specific Example: Both artifacts display how I collaborated with the home and school to foster communication and to support student learning.
Justification: My evidence and specific example connect to this FEAP because I have two artifacts that display how I collaborated with the home and school.
FEAP 5e.
Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices.
Evidence: All of my reflective blogs from my website.
Specific Example: I have posted all these blog posts on time, and have engaged in the reflective practice to look back at my observations and write about them.
Justification: The example and evidence connect because my example can be found in my evidence of my blog online.
FEAP 5f.
Implements knowledge and skills learned in professional developmental development in the teaching and learning process.
Evidence: I went to a guided reading training on 10/17/19.
Specific Example: In this guided reading training, I acquired a lot of knowledge and skills regarding implementing guided reading in the primary classroom to help me in my own classroom.
Justification: This evidence and specific example connect to this FEAP because I was able to apply what I learned in my training to use with my WIN group (tier 1 readers) in my classroom.
Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct
Evidence: Ethics performance task
Specific Example: In my ethics performance task, I had to write about how I am held to a high moral standard and how I effectively displayed ethical conduct in the classroom.
Justification: My evidence and example connect to this FEAP because I had to display good ethics as an educator and reflect on it.