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Reflect & Connect 3

My wondering: How can I implement the use of self-assessments to improve student learning in mathematics?

  • Describe at least 1 formative and 1 summative data collection method you utilized during your inquiry in the chart below. Indicate whether you consider data formative or summative.


One mode of formative data collection that I used in my classroom is my chart I created that aligns students’ self-assessment scores next to their scores for their formative assessments they completed that day. This relates to my inquiry because I wanted to see how the use of self-assessments can improve students and their learning. In order for me to see this connection, I needed a way to look at all the data and the students’ self-assessments. I then created a chart that goes by each day I teach comparing the formative data next to the self-assessment data. This mode of formative data collection has worked great in my classroom because it lists all my students, and I can see each individual students’ needs based on their information in the chart.


One mode of summative data collection I also utilized for my inquiry was looking at summative tests in math after a unit. I would look over all the students’ scores and added them into my data collection chart to then see the whole spectrum. I lined up the summative data with formative data, and with the self-assessment data. The use of this chart was for me to see if students’ formative data and self-assessments really aligned with the end of unit tests. I could then use this information to relate back to my inquiry if it really improved student learning.

  • Describe at least 3 teaching strategies OR iterations of teaching strategies implemented connected to formative and summative data collection and the literature. Cite at least 3 pieces of relevant literature supporting the use of the strategies (APA style)

One teaching strategy that I have been implementing in the classroom is cognitive strategy instruction. With this strategy, students think more about their own thinking (Pressley, 1990). By implementing this strategy, I am challenging all my students with H.O.T. questions in mathematics no matter their level or ability. It has also been beneficial to my students because they have been thinking more about the how and why in math problems. Using this strategy has shown that students are understanding more because my formative data chart shows that students are doing well.

Another strategy that I have implemented in my classroom is differentiation strategy. With this strategy, all my students receive individualized instruction based on their needs (Swars, 2005). In particular, some of my students prefer to use manipulatives to represent their answer because that helps them visually see the answer. Other students require auditory differentiation, so they are allowed to have anything read to them. With differentiation, all my learners can succeed in my classroom because they are receiving the support they need.

While teaching, I have also tried implementing the real-life application strategy in all content areas. “Connections between math and the real world are important for student learning of mathematics” (Wuolle, 2016, pg. 5). This strategy has been beneficial to my students because they think deeper about why they are learning something and how it relates to the world. When students can make their own connections, they take more ownership of their learning.

  • How did you make sense of your data? Provide an explanation of how you looked at the data you gathered to inform your understanding of student learning (can be in collaboration with your CT).

After filling in my information into my data chart, I was able to see my students learning spread across three major units. I collected majority of the formative data on days that I taught mathematics and kept track of it all in my chart. Then, my CT helped provide me with the summative data from the unit tests to add into my chart. There were three main things I gathered from comparing the formative, summative, and self-assessment data.

The first was that some students needed more confidence. Some students scored excellently well in their formative assessments, but they still gave themselves low scores for their own self-assessment. These students did not think they were doing things correctly, and continued to give themselves low self-assess scores. When it came to the summative assessment, they scored well there too. This shows me that when it involves their students learning, they are growing, but they have not developed the confidence to realize this and score themselves accurately on their self-assessment.

The next thing I noticed when analyzing the data was some students had a tendency to lie on their self-assessments. When it came to the formative and summative assessments, these students’ scores were fluctuating, but they constantly gave themselves a perfect self-assessment score. This shows me that these students’ learning is inconsistent, and they need more differentiation to help guide their learning.

The last thing I gathered from my data collection is that some students were truthful. Whether they scored high or low on their formative and assessment assessments, their self-assessments stayed true to what scores they actually received. This shows me that these students are taking the self-assessment seriously, and are really reflecting upon their own learning.

  • What gaps in student learning did you identify? Be explicit.

Going deeper into the data, I was able to identify gaps in student learning. For the students with low formative scores in my chart, I went back to those days to see the type of lessons I taught. One day in particular was during our unit on adding 3 numbers, and the objective was to add 3 numbers within 20. I taught an activity that used a rainbow of numbers that made ten, and told students they can count on from ten to add their last number. After reviewing data from that day, I noticed a gap in students’ learning. Students did not understand how to add the third number after they made the ten. After making ten, they would just guess and put a number thinking it would be the right answer. This shows me that it was very beneficial to go over that again with my students to cover those gaps.

  • Describe how you will differentiate strategies based on students’ needs. How will this help you meet the needs of ELL learners? Make connections with your ESOL/TSL & EDP course texts as a resource for differentiation strategies.

One major differentiation strategy for English language learners that I have used throughout the course of my internship is the inclusion of visuals and pictures. This helps English language learners at any level connect the visuals and pictures to the corresponding vocabulary in the questions/answers/text/etc. Another strategy that has been beneficial to me as an educator is to use a peer buddy. This is another student who speaks the native language of the English language learner. These students can be helpful because they can be a welcoming friend to this student, and they can help translate if needed during group activities. This helps avoid a situation where the English language learner feels discouraged and does not participate at all in discussions or group activities.


Pressley, M. (1990). Cognitive strategy instruction that really improves children's academic performance. Cambridge, MA: Brookline Books.

Swars, S. L. (2005). Examining Perceptions of Mathematics Teaching Effectiveness among Elementary Preservice Teachers with Differing Levels of Mathematics Teacher Efficacy (Vol. 32, Ser. 2). Journal of Instructional Psychology.

Wuolle, S. (2016). How and Why Teachers use Real World Connections in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom. Simon Fraser University.

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